Thursday 16 August 2018


The motion of a particle has been described to move in two ways: planar or rectilinear and curvilinear. From the name itself, curvilinear motion is described as the curved path of a particle in motion. There are two ways in which this motion is further categorized:

1. Plane  curvilinear motion where the coordinates of the motion is taken like of a cylinder. Plane curvilinear motion is best described as a 2-D analysis of a particle moving in a curved path. 

2. Space curvilinear motion is the 3-D counterpart of the previous motion whereby the path is described as directed to an osculating plane.

Curvilinear motion will be further discussed by the three different coordinate system used to analyze it.

Click on PDF notes on Curvilinear Motion

a. Rectangular coordinates - using the -x and -y components of the path
b. Normal and Tangential components - using the parallel and the perpendicular components of the path
c. Polar coodinates (Cylindrical coordinates) which is best used when motion is restricted to the plane.

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