Thursday 16 August 2018


Mechanics is defined as that branch of physical science which focuses on the study of the states of a body acted upon by forces. The states are for equilibrium or at rest and in motion. This definition further discusses the difference of studies taken with the different kinds of bodies. As those observed, bodies are categorized as rigid bodies, those which are studied as they are, and deformable bodies, those bodies which change shape as forces are applied on them.

The study of the state of rigid bodies are further classified under Statics, which deals with rigid bodies in equilibrium or at rest and Dynamics, the study of rigid bodies in motion. Moreover, the study of deformable bodies is known as Strength of Materials.

For our discussion, we will be focused more on rigid bodies in motion - Dynamics!

Dynamics as a course is just the extension of Physics, motion and forces. The two general types summarizing this course are kinematics and kinetics. Kinematics deals with the motion or the outcome of the particle after the application of forces. This part studies time, displacement, velocity, and acceleration of the particle. Kinetics, on the other hand, covers the whole analysis of the forces causing motion.

The following list shows the coverage of Dynamics in a course:

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